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2012 NW Regional Championship

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The IPO3 Podium at the 2012 NW Regional Championship.

German Shepherd Watchdogs was pleased to attend the 2012 Northwestern Regional IPO Championship this past weekend in Turlock, CA, hosted by Way Out West Schutzhund Club. Two members from Placer County Schutzhund Club (where John Riboni serves as Training Director and helper) competed admirably in this event. Congratulations to Peter Harrington and Pax for their 5th place IPO3 finish with a score of 262 points (84 in tracking, 88 in obedience, 90 in protection). Congratulations, also, to PCSC President Mark Hamilton and his dog Kwai for their 1st place IPO2 finish with 264 points (97 in tracking, 84 in obedience, 83 in protection)! GSW would also like to congratulate our friend Stephen Romeo on achieving his IPO1 title with his dog Santos, David Greene for his 2nd place IPO3 finish with “Nikki”, and Joel Monroe with Shocks for taking home the 1st place IPO3 trophy, High Obedience, High HOT Team, and High in Trial awards. Congratulations to all the competitors for their performances, hard work, and dedication. A complete list of scores can be found on the 2012 Regional Championship website.

Every Regional Championship event allows handlers to showcase their dogs and their handling at that higher level. It is an excellent place to see a wide variety of dogs and of handling styles, and to see what the finished product of IPO training should look like. We encourage anyone who has not seen an IPO trial to attend a club event or Regional Championship if it is nearby, to see what IPO is all about. GSW also wishes all the competitors who qualified for the GSD IPO3 National Championship in November the best of luck as they continue their training and preparation for this event.

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  1. Herbert Sicking Reply

    Hello John,

    why don`t you start with Bruno on the Regional Championship. Was he ill?

    best regards Herbert

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