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2013 NW Regional Championship

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2013 Northwestern Regional Championship Podium

Congratulations to our 2013 Northwestern Regional Champion: Placer County Schutzhund Club member Wendy Schmitt and her Doberman Eiko vom Landgraf!  Wendy and Eiko not only took home High In Trial, but also earned multiple awards including High Protection, High Obedience, and High HOT Team (Handler Owner Trained). Congratulations to Joel Monroe with Shocks vom dunklen Zwinger for his 2nd place finish, and to Deleta Jones with Lady von Herretts Fire for taking 3rd place.

We are very proud of our club members for their hard work and their performances. Congratulations to Gerri and Whiskey for earning their IPO1 under two of the toughest judges in North America! Congratulations to Peter and Stryke on their 92-point IPO1 protection score, and on earning high praise for Stryke from Canadian Head Judge Doug Deacon.  Carissa and Axel also earned 92 points in their IPO3 protection routine under Doug Deacon. We are also proud of Mark with Kwai and Carissa with Axel for their hard work despite difficulties with tracking. Indeed, their two tracking flights had some of the most difficult tracking of the entire competition, and it took its toll on many competitors.

We are also very proud of our up-and-coming helper Weston, who worked the IPO1 and IPO2 dogs at the Regional Championship. He did an outstanding job at his first big event in our region. We are looking forward to more opportunities for Weston to work large events as his skill and proficiency continue to increase under John’s instruction.

Congratulations to all the competitors in our region on their hard work; it is no easy feat to trial a dog, and just setting foot on a trial field at the Regional level is quite an accomplishment. German Shepherd Watchdogs is looking forward to seeing many of these same competitors at the upcoming 2013 USCA GSD IPO3 National Championship, including one of Placer County Schutzhund Club’s dog/handler teams: Carissa with Axel. Best wishes to all!

John and Weston during practice at the Regional Championship

John helps Mark work Kwai during practice at the Regional Championship.

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